The Royal Method
Thai Massage & Bodywork

Offered in a deeply meditative state, Nuad Thai along with modern orthopedic methods are combined with the best of massage, yoga movements, meditation, physical therapy, osteopathy & energy work creating a powerful and transformative experience.
The compressions are calming, the rhythmic movements hypnotic, while the deep stretching restores your potential for incredible physical capabilities. Traction, percussion, deep tissues massage and tool assisted therapies will help secure you a comprehensive treatment.
Sessions can last from sixty minutes, up to two hours long. Your experience will include a foot soak, head, neck & face massage, along with all the deep stretching and line work customary of Traditional Thai Massage. Also available; inversion therapy, abdominal massage, cupping or gusha.
Highly sought after by those looking for reliable pain relief, as well, by massage connoisseurs and those expecting high performance from their body. This work is very adaptable and perfectly safe for all age groups and body-types. Book your session with David today and find out first hand why Thai massage is popular around the world!

Eliminates The Source Of Pain
Rhythmic compression along predetermined paths removes muscular adhesions, clears out old stagnate fluid and increases the circulation throughout the body. Specific pressure applied on precise points of the body will create a release of endorphins and neurotransmitters in the brain, tranquilizing the nervous system.
Produces Profound Rest & Relaxation
The rhythmic style of this treatment charms the mind into a profoundly relaxed state. Matching your breath during the movements will enhance this effect. We will discuss some basics of breath control to get started. It's also common for the receiver to experience moments of "weightlessness", feel shifts of energy in their own body, and some even report receiving revelations leading to greater
fulfillment in their lives.
Increases Joint Stability & Range Of Motion
Assisted postures work to harmonize the different segments of the body and restore a natural range of motion. These assisted movements rebuild trust in our abilities, restores awareness and encourages postural alignment, offering greater support to the joints of the body
& spinal column.
Smoothes Out The Emotions
The life of the body and the mind are intimately woven together. Throughout these treatments I will address a number of areas on the body that can store negative or unresolved emotions. It is not uncommon to experience moments of great bliss or sadness during a treatment. Passing through these temporary states helps to aid in the release of antiquated, non-serving thoughts and creates a more balanced emotional life.

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Remember, your experience is always customizable.
Longer sessions allow for more time to explore for and release areas of hidden resistance built up in joints and along sinews.
You may choose to include tool assisted technique such as cupping, guasha, Tok sen, or inversion therapy to complement your treatment. No matter how long your session, it will include a variety of "settings".
A brief intake at your first appointment will help navigate health concerns and determine the best techniques/settings for us to use. Your therapist will combine these techniques into a customized dance of healing potential. There is little for you to do but enjoy while the movements happen for you.
Board Certified - State Licensed - Internationally Trained - Since 2010

About Your Therapist

David is a dedicated healer, in full time practice since 2010. His training and experience includes regular pilgrimages around Asia to study with indigenous and world renowned physician teachers. He possesses a strong working knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and pathologies. His, subtle strength, creative movement skills and physical endurance are all vital components necessary to offering you a healing massage every time. He is board certified with the NCBTMB and a member of the Naud Thai & Spa Association of America.